巨柏(Cupressus gigantea),又名雅鲁藏布江柏木,是西藏特有珍贵树种。产地雅鲁藏布江中下游,年龄1000多年。巨柏胸径400cm,树高可达45m,生物产量高,单株材积可达300多m~3。我们几年来对巨柏林的土壤进行了研究,现将结果简介于下。一、巨柏林下植被土壤概况巨柏分布于雅鲁藏布江中下游及其支流尼洋河曲的局部地区、常以散生疏林存在,又称巨柏疏林。具体分布在米林至郎县沿江狭谷地段山坡的下部和中部。如米林县巨柏疏林生长在沙质土上,柏木郁闭度0.2—0.3,胸径20—30cm,大者也有70—80cm左右,树高10多m;郎县一带的巨柏生长在雅鲁藏布江沿岸碎石河滩上,成行生长,林相整齐。
Cupressus gigantea, also known as Yarlung Zangbo cypress wood, is a unique species of precious tree in Tibet. Produced in the middle and lower reaches of the Brahmaputra, more than 1,000 years of age. Jumbo cypress DBH 400cm, tree height up to 45m, high bio-yield, plant volume up to more than 300 m ~ 3. We have conducted research on the soil of Ju Berlin for several years, and the results are summarized below. First, the Jumbo forest under the soil profile Jumbo distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Brahmaputra and its tributaries Niyang River song of the local areas, often with scattered sparse woods exist, also known as Jumbo sparse forest. Specific distribution in the Milin to Lang County valleys along the slopes of the lower and middle. Such as Milin County, Giant Pirin growth in sandy soil, cedar canopy closure 0.2-0.3, DBH 20-30cm, the larger about 70-80cm, tree height more than 10 m; Langxian area around the growth of giant cypress On the gravel floodplain along the Brahmaputra River, it grows in rows with neat forests.