从1988年开始,我就作为一个地处吕梁山区的企业管理者,与《机械管理开发》杂志社(以下简称《开发》)结了缘。8年来,缘分加情分,情谊更浓,受益匪浅,感触很深。 《开发》 泥沙积聚的版块 著名作家冰心曾说过:“创造新的陆地的不是那滚滚的波浪,却是地底下细小的泥沙。”杂志社以她10年艰辛的努力,为《开发》这块小陆地积聚着一点一粒的泥沙,成为企业管理创新的依托。而在这默默的艰辛积聚的精神又激动着每个参与者,并渗透到每个参与者所在的企业。这种积聚精神可从三个方面来说: 一是,恪守服务企业的宗旨。纵观10年、40期杂志所发表的稿件,都是为振兴我们机械工业企业,在新时期开发刨新管理理论、特点和资源,加强企业管理,提高企业素质做奉献的。从每期审稿、编稿、定稿的细微之处都不准看出,每个编审人员都把是否对企业有指导、借鉴作用作为选用的一条主要标准。在这块小陆地里,小人物与名人之作是平等的,受到同样重视,在两篇文章类似或同意的,编委们则往往是选择理论联
Since 1988, I have been a business manager in Luliang Mountain and have been married to the magazine “Machinery Management and Development” (hereinafter referred to as “Development”). In the past eight years, fate and affiliation, friendship is thicker, benefit greatly, deep feeling. Bing Xin, the famous author of “Developing” Sediment Accumulation, once said: “It is not the billowing waves that create the new land, but the small sediment beneath the ground.” With 10 years of arduous efforts, "This piece of land has accumulated a little bit of sediment, a business management innovation based on. In this quiet and arduous accumulation of spirit, it excites each participant and infiltrates the business of each participant. This spirit of accumulation can be from three aspects: First, abide by the purpose of service enterprises. Throughout the 10 years, 40 magazines published manuscripts, are to rejuvenate our machinery industry enterprises, in the new era of development planing new management theory, characteristics and resources, strengthen business management, improve the quality of enterprises to do dedication. From each review, editing, finalization of the nuances are not allowed to see each editorial staff are whether the guidance of enterprises, as a reference for reference as a major criterion. In this small land, the roles of minors and celebrities are equal, equally valued, and similar or agreeable in both articles, editors often choose theorists