在我国 ,实行民族区域自治地方的立法机关 ,同时享有自治立法和地方立法的双重立法权。自治立法权是基于《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》享有的立法权 ,地方立法权则是基于《中华人民共和国立法法》而享有的立法权 ,二者之间有着质的差异。在自治立法中 ,立法机关分别具有扩张权、限缩权和排除权的权能 ,而地方立法权则不具有这样的权能。因此 ,正确区分自治立法权和地方立法权 ,并正确的行使自治立法的扩张权、限缩权和排除权 ,是完善民族立法 ,充分行使民族自治权的基本前提
In our country, the legislature in the autonomous areas of ethnic nationalities is implemented, enjoying the dual legislative power of autonomous legislation and local legislation. The legislative power of autonomy is based on the legislative power enjoyed by the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Ethnic Regional Autonomy,” while the local legislative power is based on the legislative power of “the Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China.” There are qualitative differences between the two. In the autonomous legislation, the legislature has the power of expansion, reduction and exclusion respectively, while the local legislative power does not have such power. Therefore, it is the basic prerequisite to perfect ethnic legislation and to fully exercise the right of national autonomy by correctly distinguishing the right of self-government from that of local legislation and correctly exercising the right of expansion, limitation and exclusion of self-government legislation