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经过几年的辛勤播种,四通利方信息技术有限公司的主流产品利方多元系统支撑环境RichWin系列软件已经被国内外大多数计算机生产厂商、调制解调器生产供应商随机预装。许多跨国公司、合资企业、政府部门大量采购RichWin系列软件作为办公室内微机标准中文环境。而国内的主要ISP也购买了RichWin for Internet4.3的使用权并将其做为网上浏览的必备工具。据不完全统计自1996年7月至今,四通利方RichWin系列软件的装机量已高达一百万套以上。零售市场占有率也高达中文平台用户的60%以上。中国大陆、香港等地的ISP用户几乎人手一套RichWin软件。RichWin系列软件是目前国内外拥有用户最多的Windows中文环境。 在11月举办的中国国际软件博览会上四通利方推出了Rich-Win97系列软件新产品。并对其中用户最多的两个产品RichWin After several years of hard work, the multi-system support environment of the mainstream products of Sitong Lifang Information Technology Co., Ltd. RichWin series software has been pre-installed by most computer manufacturers and modem manufacturers at home and abroad. Many multinational corporations, joint ventures, and government agencies purchase RichWin series software as a standard microcomputer environment in the office. The major domestic ISPs also purchased the rights to use RichWin for Internet 4.3 and made it an indispensable tool for online browsing. According to incomplete statistics, since July 1996, the installed capacity of the four-channel RichWin series has reached more than 1 million sets. The retail market share is also more than 60% of the users of the Chinese platform. The ISP users in mainland China, Hong Kong and other places have almost a full set of RichWin software. RichWin series software is the Windows Chinese environment with the most users at home and abroad. In the China International Software Expo held in November, Sitong Lifang launched the Rich-Win97 series of new software products. And for the two products with the most users, RichWin
记得小时候,我好淘气,大错小错一直犯。一天,对门阿姨走时没锁门,我溜了进去, 看见她家的宝宝在哭闹。哇!好小!我不禁惊叹,好像我的布娃娃,我要给伙伴们瞧一瞧。 I remember
介绍近年来浇铸中/厚板用坯的常规和中厚度板坯连铸机的发展概况,以及这些连铸机为高效化和提高产品质量所采用的主要装备和技术。 The development of conventional and medi
贵刊在2007年登载了孙磊、王领军两位老师写的一系列《巧填数字游戏》文章,很有启发,同时贵刊的“智慧窗”栏目中,也有此类大作,也很有帮助.在此,我想用“整体求和核算 In 2
Dr.CHEN Deliang is now August R?hss Chair at the University of Gothenburg,Sweden.As an internationally renowned climatologist,he has made major achievements in
《建筑结构学报》(邮发代号:2-190)是由中国科学技术协会主管,中国建筑学会主办的学术性期刊,创刊于1980年,自1992年起入选为中文核心期刊,2007年起被Ei Compendex收录,期刊