迪斯尼和其他影业巨擘推出的电脑动画大片,已涉及了好些陆上动物。现在该轮到海生动物充当主角了。该片的主角是一对小丑鱼,鱼爸爸马林和鱼儿子莫尼。 马林和尼莫住在澳洲外海,在大堡礁的保护下,父子俩过着世外桃源式的平静生活。鱼爸爸生性谨小慎微,凡事不敢越雷池一步,是远近闻名
The computer animation blockbuster released by Disney and other film giants has covered a number of land animals. Now it’s the turn of the sea creatures to take the lead. The protagonist of the film is a pair of clown fish, fish father Marin and the son of the fish Moni. Marin and Nemo live off the coast of Australia, under the protection of the Great Barrier Reef, the father and son lived a secluded paradise calm life. Fish Dad cautious nature, everything can not move beyond the pool step, is well-known