世界上有数不清的城市,也有数不清的美术馆,展示着出类拔萃的艺术作品。它们有一个共同的特点,就是凝结了人类智慧和技艺的精华,并且经历了时间的洗礼,换句话说,它们都是好的艺术。但是美国马萨诸塞州的戴德姆市,却有一座绝无仅有的专门展示烂艺术的美术馆——糟糕艺术美术馆(Museum of Bad Art)。它从垃圾堆中起家,以审丑为荣,无情地挑战着恶趣味的极限,堪称艺术史上的“黑暗料理”、美术馆届的奇葩,而且,它还有一个霸气侧漏的简称:MOBA。
There are countless cities in the world, as well as countless art galleries, displaying outstanding works of art. What they all have in common is the condensation of the essence of human wisdom and craftsmanship and the baptism of time, in other words, they are all good art. But the city of Dedham, Mass., Has an unrivaled art gallery dedicated to the art of bad art - the Museum of Bad Art. It started from the rubbish heap, with ugly pride, mercilessly challenge the limits of bad taste, called the “dark cuisine” in the history of art, the wonderful work of art museum, but it also has a domineering side leakage Abbreviation: MOBA.