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  (注:CE: Teens曾在2006年2月号介绍过哈瓦那著名酒吧,有兴趣的同学可以查阅。)
  It’s an island of proud, passionate people, just 90 miles from Florida, a country rich in culture and 1)controversy. Now, more than half a century after its revolution, Cuba is once again 2)on the brink of change.
  David Alan Harvey is a photographer for National Geographic magazine, and 3)documenting Latin American countries is the focus of his work.
  Harvey: Well, I’ve been very interested in the Latin world for about 20 years, and Cuba’s a place where I’ve wanted to work for a long time.
  He’s here to photograph a Cuba few people know.
  Harvey: You know, there’s something so unique about Cuba in the way that life 4)unfolds in the streets. It’s a 5)kaleidoscope of activity, 6)imagery, smells, sounds. It’s all 7)interconnected, and that’s what Cuba is all about.
  Right now I’m working in a beautiful 8)colonial town in the southern part of Cuba called Trinidad. I’ve made eight or nine trips to Cuba in the last two years, and I’m really 9)getting in sync with their way of life. Sometimes it feels like I’m in an old movie; as if time just stopped in 1959. In a lot of ways Cuba is like a
  10)time capsule: that’s why I’m here right now. I want to photograph this place before it changes. I always look at it that I’m photographing the end of one thing and the beginning of something else. It’s the end of the revolution and it’s the beginning of whatever’s gonna happen from now on, so it’s a real important thing for me to document this little 11)slice of history.
  Cubans are a 12)blend of cultures. This young girl is celebrating an age-old Spanish tradition.
  Harvey: A quinceañera is a…a young woman’s 15th birthday party, and it’s her coming out party for society.
  For Harvey, getting into a good picture situation is only half the battle.
  Harvey: By the time I’m looking through the 13)viewfinder,I’ve got all this information 14)processed in my brain, and then it has to get translated into something that’s 15)visual.
  So I’m looking at the light, the play of the light on the people, the way the people are moving, all kind of rolled in together to capture one little moment that just might say something about what these people are all about.
  For 40 years now, Cuba has pretty much been cut off from the rest of the world. Some of the things that we
  16)take for granted, for example, Cubans have never had the opportunity to enjoy. Truth is, people just don’t have very much in Cuba, and that has forced them to become incredibly 17)resourceful.
  (On a plane) Well, this plane got here. Let’s hope it gets back here one more time.
  All over Cuba, people 18)make do with what they have. Sometimes that means putting your faith in Cuban 19)ingenuity to the ultimate test.
  David wants to photograph the city of Trinidad from the air, which means climbing into a 20)radial engine 21)biplane based on a 1933 design.
  Harvey: Okay, he’s sittin’ there. He’s sayin’ I don’t have to fasten my seat belt. Forget it… So I think he’s probably right. (laughs) There’s not much point. That’s the first time I ever have ever, ever had a pilot—I start to fasten my seatbelt and he says, “Don’t worry.”
  Harvey knows they can keep a ’57 Chevy on the road, but can they keep this “22)vintage bird” in the air?
  Harvey: Once I got over the smell of gasoline and burning oil and the fear, I started to actually enjoy myself and 23)take in some of the scenery. This old airplane is like a time machine, and it got me thinking about Cuba in its 24)heyday. Part of what’s so 25)appealing about Cuba today is that you can just stand in the middle of the street and actually see this country’s past. That’s just one of the things I’m trying to capture and photograph while I’m here.
  Some things in Cuba never seem to change.
  Harvey: You cannot go anywhere in Cuba without seein’ baseball. The kids are playin’ baseball absolutely
  everywhere. They can make a baseball 26)diamond out of any space. They can make a baseball out of anything. They use their hands for 27)bats, or a stick.
  And grown-ups share their 28)obsession. Every day groups of men gather here, not to talk politics, but baseball.
  Harvey: These guys are going crazy, man. They’re discussing dates, who hit what 29)home run when, who slid into third base, and they, of course, obviously, disagree on just about everything.
  I have…actually mixed feelings about change coming to Cuba. On the one hand, I would love for the Cuban people to have a better life. I’d like them to receive the things that they need. At the same time I would really love to see them preserve this sense of 30)innocence that they have, and move into the future somehow protected. I feel very close to the Cuban people, and this isn’t…has not just been an 31)assignment for me. Cuba’s a place where I know I will always return, and I wish them a bright future.
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