Effect of reduction-oxidation treatment on the properties of VSb_3W-Al_2O_3 catalyst for propane amm

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhibo87
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VSb3W-Al2O3 catalysts for propane ammoxidation were prepared by the conventional slurry method and new slurry method,namely,the reduction-oxidation slurry method.The effect of preparation methods on the physicochemical properties of VSb3W-Al2O3 catalysts were studied by N2 adsorption,XRD,XPS and Raman spectroscopy,and their catalytic performance for the ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile were tested.Compared with the VSb3W-Al2O3 catalyst prepared by the conventional slurry method,the VSb3W-Al2O3 catalyst prepared by the reduction-oxidation slurry method exhibited better propane conversion and acrylonitrile selectivity.This is due to that the reduction-oxidation treatment was advantageous for obtaining low valence state vanadium and high valence state antimony to form more rutile SbVO4,which is a vital active phase for propane ammoxidation. VSb3W-Al2O3 catalysts for propane ammoxidation were prepared by the conventional slurry method and new slurry method, namely, reduction-oxidation slurry method. The effect of preparation methods on the physicochemical properties of VSb3W-Al2O3 catalysts were studied by N2 adsorption, XRD, XPS and Raman spectroscopy, and their catalytic performance for the ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile were tested. Compared to the VSb3W-Al2O3 catalyst prepared by the conventional slurry method, the VSb3W-Al2O3 catalyst prepared by the reduction-oxidation slurry method favored propane conversion and acrylonitrile selectivity. This is due to that reduction-oxidation treatment was advantageous for obtaining low valence state vanadium and high valence state antimony to form more rutile SbVO4, which is a vital active phase for propane ammoxidation.
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