康德(Immanuel kant,1724—1804)这个名字与哲学紧紧地联系在一起。也许你还不知道,这个在抽象王国里度过了一生的大思想家,曾经也与我们的幼教有小小的缘分呢。康德一生未婚,自已没有孩子,但他很重视幼儿期的教育。1774年,教育家巴津道在德绍创办了名叫“博爱”的学园,这个学园的任务在于教育改革。康德热衷于该学园的各项实验,并把自已的好友莫德尔比5岁的儿子送到该学园去接受教育。康德还与园长巴津道常年保持通信联系,共同研讨儿童早期教育问题,并在此基础上写下了一本独立的教育著作《论教育》。康德发现:“在人类的种种发明创造中,有两项可以看作是最困难的,管理的技巧和教育的技巧。”这位
The name Immanuel kant (1724-1804) is closely linked with philosophy. Perhaps you do not know yet that this great thinker who spent his life in the Abstract Kingdom once had a small fate with our early childhood education. Kant unmarried life, own no children, but he attaches great importance to early childhood education. In 1774, educator Bazin Dao founded a school named “Fraternity” in Dessau. The mission of this school is education reform. Kant was passionate about the experiments in the academy and sent his own friend, Modal, to his school for education than his 5-year-old son. Kant also kept close contact with the headmaster of Bazin Road for years to discuss the problem of early childhood education and wrote an independent educational book On Education. Kant found: “Among the various inventions of mankind, two can be regarded as the most difficult, managerial skills and educational skills.”