
来源 :销售与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xing123qw
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辅销所,顾名思义,即辅助经销商销售的营业所,它由总公司投入一部分资源,与经销商的人力、物力、财力等资源重新整合后,形成一个有机的整体。辅销所是在市场竞争的日益加剧、各经营单位在终端营销与通路扁平化的大趋势下,厂家为适应竞争对通路进行重新整合过程中的产物。许多厂家在通路变革中最棘手的问题就是如何改造传统经销商。有没有一种方式能将传统经销商在资金、物流以及市场网络中的优势与厂家在管理与营销方面的优势相结合,以充分发挥各自原有优势并弥补双方的不足之处?台湾统一集团在大陆推出了能发挥如此功能的一种销售组织形式——辅销所。辅销所主要设有行销推 Subsidiary sales, as the name suggests, that is, sales of ancillary distributors sales, it is part of the headquarters invested resources, and distributors of human resources, material and financial resources to re-integration, the formation of an organic whole. Subsidiary sales in the increasingly competitive market, all business units in the flat terminal marketing and access to the trend, the manufacturers in order to adapt to the re-integration of the product path. Many manufacturers in the path of change the most difficult issue is how to transform the traditional dealers. Is there a way to combine the advantages of traditional dealers in capital, logistics and marketing networks with the manufacturers' strengths in management and marketing so as to give full play to their respective advantages and make up for the deficiencies of both parties? Taiwan Reunification Group In the mainland launched a sales organization to play such a function - the sales agency. Sales of the main marketing push
什么是真正的绩效考核?绩效考核的目的是什么?员工与管理者只是考与被考的关系?如何制定出一套真正深入人心的考核方案? 景素奇:让员工参与考核方案的制定气可鼓,不可泄。好
如何对待现代零售渠道的业务发展,如何平衡各渠道之间的投入,如何根据业务变动调整管理模式是销售管理中的焦点问题。 How to treat the business development of modern re
一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.)  1.以下温度中最接近于23℃的是().  A.中学生的体温   B.冰水混合物的温度  C.海滨城市夏天的最高气温  D.让人感觉温暖而舒适的房间温度  2.关于声现象,下列说法中正确的是().  A.声音在不同介质中的传播速度相同  B.声源的振幅相同,人耳感觉到的声音的响度可能不同  C.正常的人耳能听到低于20Hz的声音  D.道路旁植树
暑假里,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去浙江桐庐玩,印象最深的要属天目溪漂流了。我们乘车来到天目溪,岸边小店的店主大声叫卖着:“买水枪啦!”因为要打水仗,我也买了一把。 Summer v
Objective:To investigate the role of Mdm2 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma.Methods: Streptavidin-peroxidase conjugation method (SP)was used to observe the
天生我才必有用,每个人都有自己的特长。能创业者未必能守业,能打仗者未必能治理国家。近几天网络鼻祖 Yahoo 以16亿美元的价钱,收购另外一家公司 OvertureServices,令 Yaho