Musicians, without borders, no species, Tonggu Jin, Guan Yu. Into the hall can be more wild. “Mountains and stream” today leads to the farewell, “Blue Danube” the East also dumped, this is the charm of music. The beauty of melody, thousands of revolutions back, haunt the hearts. Music can be divided into two categories: one is creation, the second is heaven. Needless to say creation, heaven, those sounds of nature. It belongs to nature; cloud fury, Jiang Tsunami tsunami. The sound of natural agitation. Insect bird language, splendor flowers, earth gentle tone. Therefore, the natural music in mind, there is the universe, can be expected, more can be made. Twenty-three years of education, I have deep feelings. Music is so profound, it is so simple. From a teaching point of view, to fully understand this feature of music, can simplify, explain profound theories in simple language, in order to achieve the teaching effect.