Objective To understand the mental health status of two freshmen of different nature, to provide references for school educators and mental health education. Methods A total of 349 mid-career nursing freshmen and 185 senior high school freshmen were surveyed using the Mental Health Diagnostic Test (MHT) scale. As a result, no matter in secondary vocational nursing freshmen or freshmen, there is some psychological anxiety. The overall detection rate of anxiety-prone persons, 55.6% of secondary nursing students, 51.4% of freshmen, the detection rate between the two basically the same. In all dimensions of mental health, the freshmen of secondary vocational nursing care in the study of anxiety in both the score and the high anxiety detection rate were significantly higher than the freshmen, people anxiety, self-blaming tendency, terrorist tendencies score higher than the freshmen , While the tendency of loneliness and physical symptom score is lower than freshmen. The detection rate of high school freshmen’s loneliness and physical tendency is higher than that of freshmen. In addition, the detection rate of high anxiety among rural students in high school freshmen was higher than that of urban students in the total detection rate of anxiety and body symptom; There was no significant difference between rural students and urban students. Conclusion Both freshmen and high school freshmen have similarities and differences in mental health, and should strengthen mental health education according to their own characteristics.