Running a good night university is an important task of the current higher education. It plays a positive role in cultivating various special talents and raising the scientific and cultural level of the entire nation. Night University mainly recruit working young people with practical work experience. They are highly motivated and receptive. However, as night college is part-time study, students work side by side and have heavy tasks and energies. Night University teachers should be based on these characteristics of students to organize teaching, and strive to improve the quality of teaching. Here, talk about my experience in teaching at night. First, do a good job planning Night University residence scattered, basically self-learning, teaching arrangements can not copy a full-time university set approach, but according to the characteristics of decentralized learning, so that students have the requirements of this course have a complete Understanding, easy to self-study. Night university teachers should try their best to prepare enough information for self-study. In addition to the designated necessary teaching materials and reference books, but also written a detailed teaching calendar and syllabus, and the real