和尚住在山林里,好战分子住在硝烟里。|甲|屠夫住在嗜杀的快感里,山人住在清谈里。|乙|四时行,百物生,农夫住在庄稼里。|丙|大儒派的安提斯奥尼住在大桶里。|丁|只求别人不要挡住他的阳光就觉得万幸了。 俗尘万斛,无有好怀的书生绕树三匝,无枝可栖,彷徨于无地,终于住进文字积层里。有人时间一长,养成了凭感觉鉴别文字高下的心眼,就决计只住在第一流的文字里。一个老头尝谓李敖,说他在当世简直看不到什么好文章,失望之余,只好动手自己写几篇来过瘾。他是决不和滥套文字同流的人,他要住在自己的精神建筑里面。
The monks lived in the mountains and militants lived in the smoke. A | The butcher lives in the thrill of killing, the mountain people live in the talk. | B | Four in a row, a hundred things, the farmer lives in the crop. C | Antisori of the Drucus lives in a vat. Ding | just for the sake of others not to block his sunshine. Dust and dusty people, no good book scholars around the tree three branches, no branches to live in, no place to live, and finally live in the text layer. When someone has grown up over time, they have developed a feeling of discriminating against the text and decided to live only in the first-rate text. An old man tasted Li Wei, saying that he could hardly see any good articles in the world. He was disappointed, but he had to write a few articles to enjoy himself. He is a man who will never be accustomed to excessive writing. He must live in his spiritual building.