很多大专院校开设了计算机二级课程,并组织学生参加全国计算机等级考试,其中Visual FoxPro课程是计算机二级考试的主体内容,为了改善传统教学中理论多于实践及按照教材生搬硬套的状态,在教学内容上采用项目教学与全真模拟软件相结合的方式,通过实际项目分析原理,使学生易于理解;在教学手段上,开发利用班级QQ群,以学生需求为目标;在教学方法上,以项目为驱动进行合作开发。通过改革一方面降低了学生学习VisualFoxpro的难度,另一方面提高了学生运用Visual Foxpro知识解决实际问题通过等级考试的能力,达到教学用全面统一。
Many colleges and universities set up computer two courses, and organize students to participate in the national computer grade exam, Visual FoxPro course is the main content of the computer two exams, in order to improve the traditional teaching theory more than practice and in accordance with the teaching materials to apply the state, in The teaching content adopts the method of combining the project teaching with the whole simulation software and makes the students easy to understand through the analysis of the principle of the actual project. On the teaching method, the development and utilization of the class QQ group aims at the students’ needs. On the teaching method, The project is driven by cooperative development. Through the reform on the one hand to reduce the difficulty of learning Visual FoxPro, on the other hand to improve students’ ability to use the Visual Foxpro knowledge to solve practical problems passing the grade examination, to achieve a unified teaching.