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中国刑事科学技术论文协会首届学术研讨会是刑事科技领域一次全国性、多学科、综合性的学术盛会。从向全国各地公安机关、科研单位、公安院校广泛征集论文,组织专家审选录用,到评选优秀论文,经过了充分的准备。纵观本次会议,它有两个显著特点:其一,这是我国刑事科学技术发展史上第一次就刑事科学技术的建设与发展问题的一些主要方面从学术上进行了交流和研讨。相当一部分论文与改革开放的新形势、社会治安与刑事犯罪的新变化相联系,论述的内容涉及刑事科学技术的地位和作用,刑事科学技术的现状、问题和对策,刑事科技工作管理,基层工作,队伍建设,业务规范和法制建设等诸方面。既有多年来实践经验的总结,也有对一些重要问题的认真思考。其二,这次研讨会第一次包括了迄今为止已经发展起来的刑事科学技术专业的各个领域、各个专业近年来的科学研究成果和在侦察破案实践应用中的突出成就。 The first symposium of China Association of Criminal Science and Technology Thesis is a national, multidisciplinary and comprehensive academic event in criminal science and technology. From soliciting extensively to the public security organs, research institutes and public security institutions throughout the country, organizing the selection and selection of experts and examining and appraising outstanding papers, we have been fully prepared. Throughout this meeting, it has two salient features: First, it is the first time in the history of the development of criminal science and technology in our country that some major aspects of the construction and development of criminal science and technology have been exchanged and discussed academically. A considerable number of papers are linked with the new situation of reform and opening up, social order and the new changes in criminal offenses. The contents of the discussion are related to the status and role of criminal science and technology, the status quo of criminal science and technology, problems and countermeasures, criminal science and technology work management, grassroots work , Team building, business practices and legal system construction and other aspects. Both the summary of practical experience over the years, but also on some important issues seriously thought. Second, the symposium includes, for the first time, the achievements made in recent years in all fields of criminal science and technology that have been developed so far, the achievements in scientific research of various disciplines in recent years, and the application of reconnaissance and criminal investigation.
25年来,我国老年教育的改革、进步、发展,是沿着两个基本轨迹前进的。一是以人为本,适应时代的轨迹;一是以人为本,适应自我,完善人生,科学养生的轨迹。 In the past 25 year
地震废墟中,开进了消防车,子弟兵送来了生命之水。土黄、鲜红、橄榄绿在透明的净水中折射出一道独特的风景线。 Seismic ruins, into the fire truck, the soldiers sent th