High-performance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy can not only improve some of the infrared analysis methods, but also can improve those who wish to solve the problem of infrared analysis. The measurement of low transmissivity samples requires the advantages of these FTs with high signal-to-noise ratio and photometric stability, which will be described as a method of evaluating such problems that can be addressed. A typical example is the determination of the spectrum of the insert in the polymer by means of an infrared microscope. The spectrograms given in this paper are obtained by measuring a circular sample with a diameter of about 250 μm. This spectrum is the result of the difference in spectra between the area containing the insert and the adjacent polymer. As a second example, a description will be given of the type of ink for measuring a printing banknote. The spectra of the unprinted and printed parts are shown in curves A and B of FIG. 2, respectively, and the maximum transmittance of the unprinted portion of the banknote is only 0.4%.