The 7-tonne workpieces are not easy to load and unload in the machining operations. Handling and unloading are particularly difficult when handling deep holes at either end of a diesel engine body with a hand-operated rocker drill and require a significant amount of production time to load and unload workpieces . However, this operation has now been changed for horizontal machining centers, clamping has been simplified, and workpiece handling has become a small part of the overall machining operation. In addition, the bed can be moved to the second workpiece even when the workpiece is loaded and unloaded in the machining cycle due to having a bed-moving machine, when the crane is used to suspend both ends of the first workpiece. As a result of this change, the Raglanchit plant of General Electric Company’s Electrics Division in the manufacture of 8, 12, 16 and 18 cylinder diesel engine body, saving almost