夏季气温高热,阳气旺盛,人的食欲较差,在吃的方面应该注意些什么呢?首先应适当多吃的食物有: 一、多吃盐。夏季高温下人出汗多,而汗中98%至99%是水分,其余是氯化钠即盐,氯化钠是维持人体内渗透压平衡的主要盐分,缺乏时可能发生严重的生理异常,有口渴、体软、皮肤干,唇舌燥、少尿发热等症状,严重时可引起虚脱甚至休克。因此,在剧烈的劳动或运动大量出汗后,要及时补充盐分,平时也应适量吃咸点,以保证体内盐的平衡。 二、多吃苦。从调整人体阴阳平衡角度出发,夏季应多吃苦味食品,苦味食物有除燥热和利尿等作用,还能刺激脾胃的运化能力,苦味入心经,可降心火,苦味之阴可调和夏季之阳热。另外,苦味食品一般含有较多的氨
Hot summer temperatures, strong yang, people’s poor appetite, should pay attention to what to eat? First of all should be appropriate to eat foods are: First, eat more salt. In summer, people sweat more, and sweat in 98% to 99% of water, the rest is sodium chloride, sodium chloride is to maintain the body’s main osmotic pressure balance, the lack of a serious physiological abnormalities may occur, A thirst, body soft, dry skin, dry lips, oliguria and other symptoms of fever, severe cases can cause collapse and even shock. Therefore, after a large number of violent labor or sports sweat, it is necessary to add salt in time, usually should also eat the right amount of salt, in order to ensure the body’s salt balance. Second, eat more hardship. From adjusting the yin and yang balance point of view, the summer should eat more bitter foods, bitter taste of food in addition to heat and diuretic and other effects, but also stimulate the ability of the stomach and the stomach, bitter into the heart, can reduce the fire, bitter shade and adjustable summer Yang heat. In addition, bitter foods generally contain more ammonia