The influence of temperature on diurnal and seasonal variations of N_2O flux from agricultural soili

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenxiaoxia123
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AGRICULTURAL soils are the major anthropogenic source of N_2O, and temperature is one of the importantenvironmental factors controlling production and emission of N_2O from soil. This work focuses on the influence of temperature on diurnal and seasonal variations of N_2O flux from subtropical agricultural soil.This was done by seasonal measuring N_2O flux and soil temperature at a corn-rape rotation, a soybeanwinter wheat rotation and a fallow field (106°66’E, 26°50’N, 1140 m a.s.1.), at Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Available nitrogen content of above three fields wasapproximately 0.71%, organic matter content 10.6-12.0 g/kg, clay (<2 μm) content 25.6%-30.0%, and pH was about 7.5 throughout the whole experiment. Measuring period was between 20 Mar. AGRICULTURAL soils are the major anthropogenic source of N 2 O, and temperature is one of the importantenvironmental factors controlling production and emission of N 2 O from soil. This work focuses on the influence of temperature on diurnal and seasonal variations of N 2 O flux from subtropical agricultural soil.This was done by seasonal measuring N 2 O flux and soil temperature at a corn-rape rotation, a soybean winter wheat rotation and fallow field (106 ° 66’E, 26 ° 50’N, 1140 m as 1.), at Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Available nitrogen content of above three fields wasapproximately 0.71%, organic matter content 10.6-12.0 g / kg, clay (<2 μm) content 25.6% -30.0%, and pH was about 7.5 throughout the whole experiment. Measuring period was between 20 Mar.
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因为有人教过,所以牢牢记在脑子里:千万不要有让你在五分钟以内离不开的东西。因为,那就是悲剧的开始。Joe 是国际行警,因为表现优异,因此派来支持打击国际犯罪集团。这任务
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9月1日,快乐的暑假生活结束了,同学们回到阔别多日的校园,开始了新学期的新生活。  中午放学,姥爷照常来接我(因为学校门前修路,姥爷担心我的安全)。我远远地就看到姥爷焦急地东张西望,终于,我被那双焦急的眼睛“捕捉”到了。“小北北,这里!”他一边挥手一边说。“回哪兒?”我问。“回你自己家。”听到这,我心里抖了一下,什么,回自己家?那么远,一路还都是上坡,姥爷已经是快70岁的人了,骑自行车带着体重将近