题引:善待自己,善待万物和他人。学会倾吐,学会倾听和理解。请拿起你的笔,表现你心中的赤橙黄绿青蓝紫。 1.阅读下面一首小诗,体会其寓意,联系社会生活实际写一篇文章。 秋 蒲公英老了, 子女问:有什么遗产 ? 母亲默默地,在每个孩子头上, 戴上了?
Title quote: Be kind to yourself, be kind to all things and others. Learn to pour, learn to listen and understand. Please pick up your pen and show the red orange yellow green blue purple in your heart. 1. Read the following poem to understand its implications and to write an article in connection with social life. Autumn Dandelion is old. Children asked: What heritage? My mother silently put on each child’s head?