档案编纂工作现代化是指档案编纂工作人员 ,应用先进的技术和设备 ,采用科学的编纂方法 ,对档案文献进行加工、整理 ,并以公开出版或上网公布的方法提供汇编成果服务的一项工作。这是传统的档案文献编纂工作的努力方向 ,是社会各方面用户对档案部门的要求 ,也是实现档案部门和
Modernization of archival work refers to the work of archivists, the application of advanced technologies and equipment, the adoption of scientific methods of compilation, the processing and collation of archives, and the publication and publication of published works in the service of compilation. This is the direction of the traditional archives literature compilation efforts, is the user of all sectors of the community archives department requirements, but also to achieve the archives and