First, the piston in the cylinder deflection Overview In the assembly of the piston rod set, you can often see the piston in the cylinder hole position is not correct, the so-called “bundle” phenomenon. Skewed piston in the cylinder, will seriously affect the cylinder wear and tear, and the deterioration of the sealing of the cylinder, the piston and piston ring lubrication conditions worsened. The causes of the piston deflection in the cylinder are manifold and must be carefully identified and properly repaired. Check the piston in the cylinder deflection is the piston (not installed piston ring) and connecting rod cylinder symbols were loaded into the cylinder, and according to the provisions of the tightening of each link nut. There are two ways to check: one is to use the plane on the cylinder as a benchmark, with a dial indicator to measure the height difference between the top and bottom of the piston cylinder on the plane; one is to check the front and rear of the piston head and cylinder