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  There is a famous saying: Seeing is believing. The underlying implication of this statement is that nothing can substitute a firsthand experience. This chapter of my life via a five-day trip in Jiangxi Province afforded me the once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience China’s history and culture up close.
  My fellow delegates were young people from different countries such as the U.S., Portugal, Rwanda, Kenya, Thailand, Egypt and the Republic of Korea, to mention a few.
  Despite our disparate professional and academic backgrounds, we were linked by the thread of a common Chinese experience, as well as the opportunity to learn more about this land that we have chosen to call home.
  Our first stop was Jinggangshan, the first revolutionary base of the Communist Party of China (CPC) located in the middle of the Luoxiao Mountains at the junction of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. We visited the residence of Chairman Mao Zedong in the late 1920s at Bajiaolou. As a Zambian citizen, I could not help thinking about the relationship between Chairman Mao and the first president of the Republic of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda, who passed away only a few days prior to my trip.

  Chairman Mao and President Kaunda forged diplomatic relations not long after Zambia’s independence in 1964. The fruit of this partnership was instrumental in helping Zambia construct a railway line called the TanzaniaZambia Railway. As I stood in that former residence of Chairman Mao and reflected on the wealth of the history around me, I felt proud of the legacy of China and what that meant to me as a Zambian student living in China in light of our shared history.
  In the evening, a large-scale live performance was presented at the Red Army Theater, depicting the Long March and a grand overview of the revolution. This was particularly moving as it made me wonder what it must have felt like to live through the day-to-day reality of that period.
  I was impressed by the sacrifice and patriotism that prompted young men, many of whom were younger than the average age of our delegation, to join the Red Army and fight for their country against all odds.
  Our penultimate stop was the provincial capital of Nanchang, where I had an intriguing experience because the Virtual Reality Industrial Base there was the perfect intersection of cutting-edge technology with the tradition and history of China. It afforded the chance to see China’s progress and position on the world stage through a fresh perspective.
  Of course, a few days aren’t enough to capture the entirety of the nuance and complexity of any nation’s history, let alone that of China. However, we got a multifaceted glimpse or kaleidoscopic snapshot of the last 100 years.
  I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow alongside people from various backgrounds. I can say that I have gained a better understanding of Chinese history and China’s development, particularly as it relates to the difficult course of the CPC in leading the Chinese people, step by step, to today.
  Standing on the Yeping revolutionary site in Ruijin, where the Soviet Republic of China was founded in 1931, on the second day of the trip, and observing the faces of people I didn’t know a few days earlier, I could not help but think that [for this one moment in time] we were forever bound by a common experience.
  I told my fellow delegates: “We are not only here to learn about history, but also to make history...” BR
上海自行车爱好者“裸骑”迎城市无车日  ▲9月17日,上海80多名自行车运动爱好者及外籍人士用裸骑这种方式倡导低碳出行,迎接“2011中国城市无车日”。    惊艳高积云天幕  9月19日早上,天津市上空出现大量透光高积云。    外交失礼:奥巴马挥手挡脸  9月20日,参加联大会议的多国领袖合影时,奥巴马突然挥手,挡住一旁蒙古总统的脸,被批外交失礼。    168道菜“奇石宴”现北京  ▲9月2
时光流转,年华总被雨打风吹去。历史几经沉浮,又回归了它的本来面目:“智产者”逐步在政商两界又都唱起了主角。  话说今日“智产者”生活方式因其经济地位成了一种新时尚,层层影响了附弄风雅的财主和特立独行的年青人,形成了休闲旅游的潮流。古镇生活方式——去找个古镇,躲开所有压力和烦恼,忘记所处的时代,梦回古代,过几天平静发呆的想像中的古镇生活。这正是我们所说的三个标准:另一个地方,另一种生活,另一种梦想。
澳門的交通服務有待提高  城市的公共交通狀況,能直接反映一個城市的發展規劃是否具有潛力和精神文明有多高,比如公共汽車司機的服務態度和技術水準;的士司機對遊客和市民接載服務態度是否文明等,均能反映出市民和遊客對一個城市旅遊生態的感受。澳門作為一個定位發展國際休閒旅遊的城市,其公共交通設施及其乘服人員的態度卻讓我們感到意外。在澳門短短4天的所見所聞中,有两件事让我们印象深刻:一是澳門的巴士司機態度惡劣
2011年10月23日,第16屆澳門國際貿易投資展覽會(MIF)圓滿落幕,取得了較為可喜的成績。相關統計數字表明,第26屆MIF共吸引逾95,000人次入場參觀,比2010年增長17%;此次MIF提供“會展直通車”、“特邀海外客商計划”等服務,舉行了47場論壇、會議和推介會等活動,共促成1502場商業配對,達成81個簽約項目。  MIF的成功印證了澳門會展經濟近年來的發展和進步。澳門回歸以來,經濟
在二○一二年新年來臨之際,我謹代表中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室,向廣大澳門同胞致以誠摯問候和良好祝願!   律回春暉漸,萬象始更新。剛剛過去的二○一一年,在偉大祖國發展歷程中殊不平凡。這一年,國際形勢風雲變幻,充滿各種挑戰。全國各族人民在以胡錦濤同志為總書記的中共中央帶領下,高舉中國特色社會主義偉大旗幟,深入貫徹落實科學發展觀,鞏固和擴大應對國際金融危機成果,宏觀經濟呈現增長較快、