栽培芒果(Mangifera indica L)总会遇到许多严重的障碍:大小年结果,旺盛生长品种的压倒优势,对病虫害敏感等等。近来,由串珠镰孢菌(Fusarium moniliforme)引起的花的畸形变异已达到令人惊恐的程度,并直接威胁到印度北部和西部芒果栽培业的生存。因为几乎所有的品种都显示出这些症候,人们早就感到有必要经过有计划的种间杂交发展改良品种。然而,进展不大,这仅仅是因为杂交技术太麻烦而造成的,这种繁琐的技术使大量不必要的亲代组合中杂交很少成功。从而,在这一高度杂合的多年生果树上可用来进行有效选择的杂种群体就
Mangifera indica L will encounter many serious obstacles: the annual result of size, the overwhelming of the vigorous growth variety, the susceptibility to pests and diseases and so on. Recently, abnormal deformities in flowers caused by Fusarium moniliforme have reached alarming levels and directly threaten the survival of the mango industry in northern and western India. Because almost all varieties show these symptoms, it has long been felt necessary to develop improved varieties through planned interspecific hybridization. However, little progress has been made, simply because the hybridization technique is too cumbersome and this tedious technique has made very few successful crosses in unneeded parental combinations. Thus, the population of hybrids available for effective selection in this highly heterogeneous perennial fruit tree