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淋菌性结膜炎是由淋病双球菌感染引起的一种极为剧烈的急性化脓性眼病,我部近年共治疗5例,其中4例为新生儿,1例为儿童。临床资料一、一般情况本组5例,男2例、女3例。其中出生不足5d4例,另一例12岁。最早发病为出生后第2天。治愈:3~5d。临床表现为眼睑高度水肿,大量脓性分泌物,短期内发生角膜溃疡,甚至穿孔等。二、化验室检查用无菌棉签取患儿结膜囊分泌物涂片检查,革兰染色后油镜检查,5例上皮细胞、中性粒细胞浆内外均见成堆的革兰阴性肾形成对的淋球菌。三、治疗方法以外用生理盐水冲洗结膜囊每日 Gonococcal conjunctivitis is a very acute suppurative eye disease caused by gonorrhea gonorrhea infection, my department in recent years, a total of 5 cases were treated, of which 4 cases of newborns, 1 case of children. Clinical data First, the general situation The group of 5 patients, 2 males and 3 females. Among them, 5 cases were born less than 5 days and the other cases were 12 years old. The earliest onset was 2 days after birth. Cure: 3 ~ 5d. Clinical manifestations of eyelid edema, a large number of purulent secretions, short-term corneal ulcers, and even perforation. Second, laboratory tests Check with sterile cotton swab conjunctival secretions smear examination, Gram stain after the oil microscopy examination, 5 cases of epithelial cells, neutrophil plasma see both piles of Gram-negative kidney formation Gonococcus. Third, the treatment of other than normal saline flush conjunctival sac daily
The cell membrane regulates many physiological processes including cellular communication,homing and metabolism. It is therefore not surprising that the composi
Introducing a combination of transcription factors such as Oct4,Sox2,Klf4 and c-Myc(OSKM)enables reprogramming which converts somatic cells into induced pluripo
Ebola virus can cause a rapidly lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans and primate animals,while currently no clinically approved antiviral therapeutics is availabl
【摘 要】当今社会多元化思潮影响着高校大学生,传统的高校思政教育方式已经不能满足学生的内在需求。音乐教育作为一种寓教于乐的教育方法,成为高校思政教师研究的新课题。分析音乐教育的特性,结合新形势下高校大学生思想特点与音乐素质现状,对音乐教育在思想政治教育理论课中更好的运用进行探讨。  【关键词】高校;思想政治理论课;音乐教育  【基金项目】本文系2013年贵州省教育厅人文社科项目“爱国主义歌曲与高
岁末,往年正是汽车销售旺季,1997年底却火势有减。分析来有以下几个原因: 一、由于私车比例大增,无需年终突击完成购车“指标”,大部分人根据需要随时选购。使得旺淡在全年