尽管妇女解放运动已进行了近百年,妇女在各方面都获得了很大解放,但是远远没有达到彻底解放的目标。在很多地方,妇女仍然在呐喊,在呼求人们对她们社会地位低下状态的理解与同情。看来,妇女彻底解放的路程还长, 在美国,至今妇女们仍经常采取各种形式宣传妇女解放,如利用报纸、电视、集会等,呼吁提高妇女的地位。笔者在美国学习期间,就经常遇到妇女组织的各种活动。有一次,我路过一个街区,看到一大堆妇女在向行人散发什么,就走过去,立即也得到了一张,拿来一看,原来是宣传妇女解放的传单。这段文章申诉了妇女遇到的种种不平,呼吁妇女加入到解放运动中来。文字一气呵成,不加什么标点,似乎是有满肚子的委屈,诉不完的苦衷,一口气要倾泄出来,的确有一定的感染力。现将其抄录如下:
Although women’s liberation movement has lasted for almost a hundred years and women have been greatly liberated in all fields, the goal of complete liberation is far from attained. In many places women are still crying out and calling for understanding and sympathy for their low social status. It seems that the course of women’s total emancipation is still long. In the United States, so far, women often take various forms to promote the emancipation of women, such as using newspapers, television, rally and so on, and calling for the advancement of women. During my studies in the United States, I often encountered various activities organized by women’s organizations. Once I passed a block and saw a whole bunch of women exhaling things to the pedestrians. I immediately went to get one and took a look. It was a leaflet to promote women’s liberation. This article complains about all the injustices that women encounter and calls for women to join the liberation movement. Written together at one go, without any punctuation, seems to be full of grievances, endless grievances, breath to dump it out, do have some appeal. Now copy it as follows: