患者男,61岁,发作性晕厥3月余,首次发作为3月前肩扛约20kg重物行走1km后突发晕厥,意识丧失,持续约10s后意识恢复,不伴心慌、胸闷、无恶心呕吐,当时未去医院就诊。近期外出买菜时发生先兆晕厥,几乎晕倒马上扶墙后约5s恢复正常。查体:血压122/82mm Hg;Holter示窦律,室早452次/24h,房早112次/24h;超声心动图正常。为明确晕厥原因,经
Male, 61 years old, paroxysmal syncope in more than 3 months, the first attack was about 3 months ago, about 20kg shoulders carry a sudden syncope after walking 1km, loss of consciousness, continued consciousness about 10s after recovery, without palpitation, chest tightness, no nausea Vomiting, did not go to the hospital. Excursions to buy food occurred when a recent syncope, almost fainted immediately after about 5s to help the wall back to normal. Examination: blood pressure 122/82 mm Hg; Holter showed sinus law, as early as 452 times / 24h, as early as 112 times / 24h; echocardiography normal. To clarify the cause of syncope, after