Segmented taper equations with crown ratio and stand density for Dahurian Larch (Larix gmelinii) in

来源 :林业研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m634606037
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Segmented taper equation was selected to model stem profileof Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.). The data were based on stemanalysis of 74 trees from Dailing Forest Bureau in Heilongjiang Province,Northeastern China. Two taper equations with crown ratio and standbasal area were derived from the Max and Burkharts (1976) taper equa-tion. Three taper equations were evaluated: (1) the original equation, (2)the original equation with crown ratio, and (3) the original equation withbasal area. SAS NLIN and SYSNLIN procedures were used to fit taperequations. Fit statistics and cross-validation were used to evaluate theaccuracy and precision of these models. Parameter estimates showed that the original equation with inclusion of crown ratio and basal area vari-ables provided significantly different parameter estimates with lowerstandard errors. Overall fit statistics indicated that the root mean squareerror (RMSE) for diameter outside and inside bark decreased respec-tively by 10% and 7% in the original model with crown ratio and by 12%and 7.2% in the original model with basal area. Cross-validation furtherconfirmed that the original equation with inclusion of crown ratio andbasal area variables provided more accurate predictions at the lowersection (relative heights, 50%) for both outside and inside bark diameters.
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