The gas flow with solid particles enters the flue gas turbine. In the static and rotating vane channels, except for the extremely small particles that basically move with the gas flow, they have greater viscous effect and viscous loss than the pure gas. Larger Particles will inevitably have a speed different from that of the main gas flow. There is a specific ternary movement path in the vane channel. Through the exchange of momentum and heat, the air flow will affect the work function of the air flow, and as the collision bounces in the channel, Erosion wear. Blade wear rate and many factors, such as body and particle material properties, particle size, shape, concentration and speed, the direction of the collision bounce and impact probability. If the particle trajectory of a blade to a greater probability of impact, this part of the wear and tear will intensify. Another phenomenon is that as the air flow in the vane channel turns, accelerates, secondary flow and eddy current generation, cooling