现代社会分工越来越细,新学科层出不穷。管理科学的分支——结构学,就是当今我国颇为时髦的学科之一。在工业管理上,人们在研究组织结构、产业结构、产品结构;在领导班子建设上,人们在研究年龄结构、文化结构、性格结构,等等。 近一两年来,研究领导班子性格结构、气质结构的论文渐多,笔者有幸读到几篇。文章写法虽有不同,但观点并无多少差异:把不同性格、气质的人,爽直的,谨慎的,豁达的,认真的,多血质的,粘液质的,胆汁质的,抑郁质的配在一起,才有利于发挥班子的群体功能。 这一发现,真是对领导班子建设的“一大贡献”。先前配班
The division of labor in modern society is getting smaller and smaller, new disciplines emerge in endlessly. The branch of management science - structural science, is one of the most fashionable subjects in our country today. In industrial management, people are studying the organizational structure, industrial structure, product structure; in the leadership team building, people are studying the age structure, cultural structure, character structure, and so on. In the past year or two, there have been more and more papers on studying the personality structure and temperament of leading bodies. I have the honor to read a few articles. Although the wording of the article is different, but there are not many differences in opinion: the different personality, temperament, straight, cautious, open-minded, serious, blood quality, mucus, bile quality, depressive quality Together, it is conducive to the group to play a group function. This discovery is really a “great contribution” to the building of the leading group. Previously with the class