如果说预习是学习过程中不可缺少的一环,那么思维过程则是解决学习中疑难点的重要途径。预习,是学生运用旧知通过独立思维活动学习新知的过程,正因为如此,预习纳入课堂教学,老师讲课的时间相应少了,学生活动时间多了,这就充分发挥了学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,要求老师的讲,不在于多,而在讲到点子上,不在细,而在启发学生思考。 如果教师能利用新颖、系统的预习材料作为诱因,使学生已形成的学习需要由潜在状态转入活动状态,便能够使学生产生强烈的学习
If the preview is an indispensable part of the learning process, then the thinking process is an important way to solve the learning difficulties. The pre-study is a process in which students use the old knowledge to learn new knowledge through independent thinking activities. Because of this, pre-learning into the classroom instruction, the teacher lectures less time, more student activities, which give full play to the student's role and the teacher's Leading role, requiring the teacher to say, is not as much, but when it comes to ideas, not careful, but to inspire students to think. If teachers can use innovative, systematic preparation materials as a motivation to enable students to form a learning needs from the potential state into active state, can make students produce strong learning