早产儿是发生钙磷代谢紊乱的高危人群。维生素D,甲状旁腺素,喂养方式等均可影响早产儿的钙磷代谢状况。常见的钙磷代谢紊乱性疾病主要有代谢性骨病(metabolic bone disease,MBD),肾钙质沉着症(nephrocalcinosis,NC)等。MBD主要由宫内钙磷储备不足所致,血碱性磷酸酶及血磷水平结合诊断MBD敏感性高,适量维生素D摄入及被动肢体运动有助其预防。NC发病原因复杂,高钙尿是其主要危险因素。其诊断首选B超,治疗则尚待研究。
Premature babies are at high risk of disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, feeding methods can affect the status of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in preterm children. Common disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism are metabolic bone disease (metabolic bone disease, MBD), nephrocalcinosis (nephrocalcinosis, NC) and so on. MBD mainly due to inadequate supply of intrauterine calcium and phosphorus, the combination of serum ALP and serum phosphate sensitivity MBD diagnosis, adequate intake of vitamin D and passive limbs exercise will help prevent it. The causes of NC complicated, hypercalciuria is its main risk factor. The diagnosis of B-ultrasound, treatment is yet to be studied.