6月26日上午,我国首架双体复合式飞艇在北京试飞成功。复合式飞艇具有体积小,速度快,机动性好等特点,可执行多种空中任务。 6月28日,日本宣布他们研制成功目前世界上体积最小的芯片。规格为0.4×0.4×0.06mm,可被镶嵌在货币、支票和债券当中用以防伪。 欧洲核子研究中心主任卢恰诺·马亚尼近日宣布,该中心20个成员国近日决定,投资15.2亿欧元的世界上能量最高的欧洲LHC超高能强子对撞机将于2004年4月1日正式投入使用。它能让质子以每秒4000万次的频率相互碰撞。
On the morning of June 26, the first dual-body composite airship in our country was successfully tested in Beijing. Composite airship with small size, speed, mobility, etc., can perform a variety of air missions. June 28, Japan announced that they successfully developed the world's smallest chip. The specification is 0.4 × 0.4 × 0.06mm, which can be embedded in currency, check and bond to prevent counterfeiting. Luciano Maiani, director of the European Center for Nuclear Research, announced recently that the 20 member states of the center have decided recently that the world's most energy-rich European LHC Super-Strong Lxcu will invest 1.52 billion euros in April 2004 Day officially put into use. It allows protons to collide with each other at a frequency of 40 million times per second.