In accordance with the characteristics of associated minerals,trace elements in the alteredrocks around the veins and the compositions of wolframite and mica,the vein wolframite de-posits in the Nanling Region can be divided into two geochemical types:the wolframite-beryl-molybdenite-bismutite(native bismuth)type and the wolframite-cassiterite-sulfide(copper,zinc,lead)type.Vein wolframite deposits of these two geochemical types were formed under differentgeological conditions.The wolframite-beryl-molybdenite-bismutite(native bismuth)type maybe connected with high pH-Eh conditions,whereas the wolframite-cassiterite-sulfide(copper,zinc,lead)type with low pH-Eh conditions.It is concluded that the two geochemical types of vein wolframite deposit are geneticallyrelated to two different geochemical types of granite in the Nanling Region.
In accordance with the characteristics of associated minerals, trace elements in the alteredrocks around the veins and the compositions of wolframite and mica, the vein wolframite de-posits in the Nanling Region can be divided into two geochemical types: the wolframite-beryl-molybdenite- bismutite (native bismuth) type and the wolframite-cassiterite-sulfide (copper, zinc, lead) type. Vein wolframite deposits of these two geochemical types were formed under different genetic conditions. wolframite-beryl- molybdenite-bismutite (native bismuth) type maybe connected with high pH-Eh conditions, while the wolframite-cassiterite-sulfide (copper, zinc, lead) type with low pH-Eh conditions. It is said that the two geochemical types of vein wolframite deposit are geneticallyrelated to two different geochemical types of granite in the Nanling Region.