利用5 950张来自福建和山西两省试点乡镇不同干预阶段抽样调查的村医处方,对村医的用药行为及干预措施的效果进行分析与初步评价。结果显示:村医的不良处方行为令人担忧,主要表现在用药种数、用药方式、抗生素和激素、滋补药等的不规范和不合理使用上。山西试点乡镇通过实施合作医疗和推广应用基本用药目录干预措施,在改善村医用药行为、控制处方费用方面初见成效;而福建试点乡镇的干预措施尚未对村医的不良处方行为产生积极的正向影响。针对上述情况,提出了几点建议。
Using 5,950 village doctors’ prescriptions from sample surveys of different intervention stages in towns and villages in Fujian and Shanxi provinces, the village doctors’ medication behavior and the effects of intervention measures were analyzed and preliminary evaluated. The results showed that the bad prescription behavior of village doctors was worrying, mainly reflected in the irregular and unreasonable use of the number of drugs used, the mode of application, antibiotics and hormones, and tonics. The pilot townships in Shanxi Province have achieved initial success in improving the medical drug behavior and controlling prescription costs through the implementation of cooperative medical treatment and the promotion and application of basic drug catalog interventions; and the interventions in Fujian pilot towns and villages have not yet produced positive positive effects on village doctors’ bad prescription behaviors. Impact. In response to the above situation, several suggestions were made.