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方心芳先生生前是中国科学院生物学学部委员、微生物研究所副所长、学位委员会主任委员、国内外著名的微生物学家,是我国现代酿酒技术的主要奠基人之一。方先生从1931年即投入高粱酒生产工艺和酒曲微生物的研究工作。建国后,为响应国家酿酒工业要节粮的号召,他提出改造大曲酒的重要课题,1952年首先在北京酿酒厂将大曲二锅头酒改为麸曲二锅头酒,后在全国推广,对全国酿酒工业节粮起了巨大的作用。1955年,方先生提出以米曲霉加酵母菌为主的“烟台操作法”,大大提高了淀粉出酒率。方先生在60年科研生涯里,培训了大批科技人才,在酒界享有崇高的威望。前不久,微生物学教授程光胜先生在中国科技会堂与杜子端先生(原国家轻工部副部长)、苑全彬先生(中华文化发展基金会副会长)等会唔时,出示了方心芳先生十年前谈酒文化的一封信,信中谈了他对酒文化的希望和设想。大家认为方老的意见非常中肯,十分宝贵。现在本刊予以发表,以纪念方老、以飨读者。 Mr. Fang Xinfang was a member of Biology Department of Chinese Academy of Sciences in his lifetime, deputy director of Institute of Microbiology, chairman of Academic Degrees Committee and famous microbiologist at home and abroad. He is one of the main founders of modern winemaking technology in China. Mr. Fang from 1931 into the sorghum wine production technology and the song of micro-organisms research. After the founding of the PRC, in response to the national wine industry to save the grain of the call, he proposed the transformation of Daqu liquor important subject, first in 1952 in Beijing brewery will Daqu Erguotou changed into bran Qu Er Erguotou wine, after the nationwide promotion of the National Brewery Festival food played a huge role. In 1955, Mr. Fang put forward the “Yantai Operation Law” with Aspergillus oryzae plus yeast, which greatly increased the rate of starch production. During his 60-year career in science and technology, Mr. Fang trained a large number of scientists and technicians and enjoyed a high prestige in the wine industry. Not long ago, Mr. Cheng Guangsheng, a professor of microbiology, presented a presentation entitled Mr. Fang Shengfang for 10 years at China Science and Technology Hall, Mr. Du Ziduan (former Vice Minister of State Ministry of Light Industry), Mr. Yuan Quanbin (Vice President of China Culture Development Foundation) Before talking about a letter of wine culture, the letter talked about his hopes and ideas for wine culture. Everyone thinks Fanglao’s advice is very pertinent and very valuable. Now published in this journal to commemorate Fang Lao to readers.
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一旦有女人示爱,他们决不放过,犹如开闸放水,一发不可收。他们经常涉猎美女时尚杂志,收集性感美女图片,点击色情网站。  天底下的男人都好色,区别在于好色的动机不一样。有的男人好色,是为了欣赏美;有的男人好色,是为了满足性幻想;有的男人好色,是为了性刺激。  几乎所有男人都知道色字头上一把刀,也知道红颜祸水,可是,男人还是愿意受这把刀的千刀万剐,也愿意趟这浑水。窈窕淑女,君子好逑,每个人都有追求美、追
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