Tomoro Aida日本一级注册建筑师于2009年成立Tomoro Aida建筑事务所Toshimitsu Kuno日本一级注册建筑师这是位于东京的郊区的一个三口之家住宅。尽管历经几代的变迁,建筑仍保持着原始的状态。这里与一条河道相邻周围是密集的住宅区。因此该项目希望在这样的环境密度下讨论建筑与外部空间的关系。项目类型:独立住宅项目地点:日本东京事务
Tomoro Aida Registered First Class Architect in Japan Tomoro Aida Architects in 2009 Toshimitsu Kuno Registered First Class Architects This is a family of three houses located on the outskirts of Tokyo. Despite several generations of changes, the building remains in its original condition. Adjacent to a river there is a dense residential area. Therefore, the project hopes to discuss the relationship between building and exterior space under such environmental density. Project Type: Detached House Project Location: Tokyo, Japan