你是否厌烦了日常生活的琐碎和现代社会的嘈杂、躁动?可曾想过要逃离?逃到一个远在天边的世外桃源,那里的生活不再单调乏味,而是处处充满你闻所未闻、见所未见的新鲜事物?朋友,如果你想,就跟我来吧,一起打开想象,走进一个别样的世界。歌曲“Pure Imagination”描绘的就是这样一个世界。这首歌最早为人所知是作为1971年上映的音乐剧电影《欢乐糖果屋》(Willy Wonka&the Chocolate Factory)中的插曲,之后多次被翻唱,2005年又出现在电影《查理与巧克力工厂》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)中。2013年,这首歌成为
Have you ever tired of the triviality of everyday life and the noisy, restlessness of modern society? Have you ever wanted to flee? Escape to a paradise far away, where life is no longer tedious, but full of freshness you have never heard of before Things? Friends, if you want, come with me, open the imagination together, into a different kind of world. The song “Pure Imagination” depicts such a world. The song was first known as an episode of the musical film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, released in 1971 and was later overcame several times before appearing again in 2005 at the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In 2013, the song became