Liver fibrosis is a common pathological feature of most chronic liver diseases. It is a necessary stage for the development of liver cirrhosis. Due to the possibility of reversal of liver fibrosis, the study of its treatment has become a hot topic. Western medicine treatment of liver fibrosis is difficult to use widely in clinical practice because of its own insurmountable adverse reactions. Chinese medicine has a long history in the treatment of hepatic fibrosis. In recent years, scholars have conducted extensive and in-depth anti-hepatic fibrosis studies on the active ingredients of many Chinese herbal extracts, and the results have been relatively satisfactory. 1. Tetrandrine: Also known as Tetrandrine, it is extracted from the root of the powder. Recent studies have found that it can prevent liver fibrosis by increasing the activity of nitric oxide synthase, increasing the synthesis and release of nitric oxide, inhibiting fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis. Wang Zhirong et al. also found that it can significantly inhibit hepatic c-fos and c-induced liver fibrosis in rats.