万历时期临海人王士琦在巩固祖国边疆、密切中华民族大家庭的内部关系,以及援助朝鲜抵御倭寇入侵上,都作出了相当大的贡献,是一个值得后人尊重和纪念的历史人物。但是, 关于其生平,却多有不甚详确之处,有待于发掘史料,加以澄清。本文仅就其仕途终点的情况,加以讨论。对于王士琦仕途终点的情况,各种史科记载不一。雍正十三年修、乾隆元年刻《浙江通志》卷173,“人物”4“武功”3所收王士琦传记
Wan Shi period Linhai people Wang Shiqi in the consolidation of the motherland border, close family relations within the Chinese nation, and aid North Korea against piracy invasion, have made a considerable contribution, is worthy of future generations to respect and commemorate the historical figure. However, there is more or less exact information about their life, subject to excavation of historical materials and clarification. This article discusses only the case of the end of their career. For Wang Shiqi career end situation, a variety of history records. Yongzheng thirteen years of repair, the first year of Emperor Qianlong “Annals of Zhejiang” Volume 173, “characters ” 4 “martial arts ” 3 Received Wang Shiqi Biography