In this paper, 82 junior high school students 12 to 15 years old and 35 to 45 kg of body weight were supplemented with vitamin A and β-carotene. In the experimental group 1 (n = 21), 2 mg of β-carotene was supplemented daily, 6 mg of β-carotene was supplemented in experimental group 2 (n = 19), 400 μg of RE vitamin supplemented daily in experimental group 3 The initial test, the fourth weekend, the sixth weekend and the eighth weekend blood test. In the seventh week of the experiment, the two groups of carotenoids were replaced with A1000 μgRE of vitamin A, and the vitamin A group was replaced by 6 mg of β-carotene. Control group (n = 18) were given placebo. The results showed that daily intake of the recommended nutrient intake (RDA) dose and 2 times the RDA dose of β-carotene for the body to improve vitamin A, β-carotene levels are the same effect, and direct vitamin A, body Vitamin A, β-carrot, vegetarian levels slightly higher than the carotene group. This study explored the exact nutritional status of adolescents in China, also suggested that vitamin A in carotenoids with vitamin A irreplaceable role.