【摘 要】
Alice Walker’s “Grandmother’s Daily Household” has always been considered her best short story. The plot of Dee and Maggie quest for the quilt pushed the story to a climax. The two attitudes toward the quilt are showing two ways to inherit and protect the marginalized culture. Dee wants to hang the quilt, which means that the marginal culture into the museum, to the world. Maggie pursues the practical value of the quilt, which means that the popularization of marginal culture goes deep into people’s daily life. In other words, these two principles are “going out ” and “popularization ”.
【摘要】《红楼梦》是中国文学史上的一座丰碑,谜语诗谶化是《红楼梦》第二十二章回《听曲文宝玉悟禅机,制灯谜贾政悲谶语》的特点之一,本文着力于比较杨宪益,戴乃迭译本和霍克斯译本在本章灯谜翻译中的不同风格和取向,探讨在翻译过程中包括语篇意识,译者风格和文化负载词等问题,并得出相应的结论。 【关键词】《红楼梦》 谜语 归化 异化 语篇意识 文化负载词 谜语主要是指暗射事物或文字等供人猜测的隐语,也可引
1. Introductio1970s, the main aspects European translation studies focused on were the empirical study of translation text, the description of translation proce
A Song Flung Up to Heaven can be viewed as one part of a bildungsroman, which encourages all people in adversity to rise. Moreover, its implied readers include
Translation criticism helps translators find out the merits and demerits of different translation versions which facilitate their reflection on the nature of tr
【摘要】本文基于马克思主义妇女理论,从生产力水平影响女性意识、家庭性别关系影响女性意识和社会劳动参与度影响女性意识三方面探析《十日谈》中女性意识双重性以深入理解女性意识在社会转型时期的矛盾性和女性解放历程的长期性。 【关键词】《十日谈》 女性意识 双重性 马克思主义妇女理论 一、引言 女性在历史上曾长久地处于被动地位,中世纪尤其缺乏对女性的关怀。运用用马克思主义妇女观分析《十日谈》中女性形象
【Abstract】As the theoretical basis of cognitive pragmatics, the relevance theory can well explain translation phenomenon. Translation is an ostensive-inferential process which interprets the source la