Children, 6 years old, weighing 15kg, due to head pimples, itching, no improvement in the local treatment, suppurative pain for more than a month, aggravating 5 days treatment. Pico check: the top of the right temporal part of a 13cm × 12cm red and swollen 痈-shaped oval bulge, clear, soft, mild tenderness, squeezing hair follicles overflow yellow-white pus. Abundant surface of the pustular scab, easy to peel off, exposing bright red, moist, honeycomb base surface. Sparse hair cut, easy to remove, pillow and ear lymph nodes, tenderness. Check WBC count 19.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L, classification: N0.81, L0.19. Fungal hair microscopy see hair spores, cultured as gypsum-like