文本作者的身份鉴别一直是司法领域的重点,一般以笔迹鉴定的方式居多。但是在电子时代,很多时候我们用电脑书写代替手写。犯罪份子为了掩盖自己的笔迹以电子书写代替手写的方式犯罪,如电子版的敲诈信,威胁信等。在没有笔迹的情况下,如何判别文本的作者,需要寻求更多的文本作者鉴别的方式。近几十年,“法律语言学”在欧美等国家发展迅速,国内也已在兴起。本文将结合个人语言特征理论(idiolect)和语篇信息结构理论(Discourse Information Analysis以下简称DIA)来分析文本,试图通过信息型法律语料库(CLIPS)工具,找出文本作者的语言特点,来鉴别文本作者的身份。
Identification of text authors has always been the focus of the judiciary, mostly in the form of handwriting identification. But in the electronic age, many times we use computer writing instead of handwriting. In order to cover up their handwriting, criminals use electronic writing instead of handwriting, such as electronic extortion letters and threatening letters. In the absence of handwriting, how to identify the text of the author, need to find more ways to identify the text of the author. In recent decades, “legal linguistics ” has developed rapidly in Europe and the United States and other countries, and the country has also been on the rise. This paper analyzes the text combining idiolect and Discourse Information Analysis (DIA), attempts to identify the text by using the CLIPS tool to find out the language features of the textual author Author’s identity.