县(市、区)人武部一名主要领导参加同级地方党委常委会,这对于加强党对武装工作的领导,促进和保证民兵预备役工作的落实,既十分必要,也十分有利。要充分发挥这一优势,真正有所作为,我认为须注意四忌: 一忌当“挂名常委”。人武部收归军队建制后,作为参加地方党委常委的人武部领导同志,容易在思想认识上发生“位移”,出现偏差。认为自己穿上了军装,戴上了军衔,自身的调动、晋升主要靠军队,地方管不着。因此,该参加的地方会议不参加,
The participation of a major leader of the People’s Armed Police Department in the counties (cities and districts) in the standing Party committees at the same level is very necessary and very beneficial for strengthening the Party’s leadership over armed work and for promoting and ensuring the implementation of reserve work for militiamen. To give full play to this advantage, really make a difference, I think we must pay attention to four bogey: a bogey, “Standing Committee.” After the armed forces department reverted to the establishment of the armed forces, as a leading comrades in the armed forces departments participating in the standing committees of local Party committees, “displacement” easily occurred in ideological understanding and there was a deviation. Think they put on uniforms, put on the rank, their own transfer, promotion mainly by the army, where control can not. Therefore, the participating local meetings do not participate,