Impact Analysis of Internet Finance on Securities Industry in China

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  【Abstract】The prosperity and development of the Internet financial industry has greatly affected traditional securities industry in China. On the one hand, it has effectively transformed the value realization of the securities industry; on the other hand, it has triggered the channel reform of financial management and securities brokerage, which has advantages and disadvantages for China’s securities industry.
  【Key words】Internet finance; securities industry; impact analysis
  1. It has transformed the value realization of the securities industry
  Internet finance has the characteristics of non-authenticity. It can speed up the creation of the securities industry through Internet finance. Due to the development of Internet finance and the application of technologies such as big data, the transaction subject and transaction structure have become more democratic, which will lead to dramatic changes the realization of the cost of securities industry. The development of Internet technology has made information dissemination faster and spread more widely. In the traditional securities industry, information is originally pyramidal, which means that there is an asymmetry between individuals and industries. But in Internet finance, information is transformed into a flat model, which means that effectiveness and democracy are strengthened, and the scope of securities industry services can be further expanded.
  2. It has transformed the channels of securities brokerage and wealth management
  With the continuous development of Internet technology and the impact on society, the impact of traditional securities brokerage and wealth management is growing. First of all, Internet finance enables customers to open accounts online and purchase securities products online, thus avoiding the hassle of customers’ journey and reducing many cumbersome procedures. Second, Internet finance can realize the characteristics of virtual office sales, reduce a large amount of human and resource expenditures, and increase the income of Internet securities. As traditional securities brokerage and wealth management business is affected, commissions and market share are further reduced, so the integration of Internet finance and securities will be further deepened. To a large extent, the deepening of convergence has had a huge impact on traditional securities brokerage and wealth management.Securities companies will achieve tremendous changes under such an impact in order to seek a better survival.   3. It has weakened the function of financial intermediation in the securities industry
  The financial intermediary role of securities institutions is mainly media capital and media information. These two roles are inseparable from the collection and processing of information, which is a major advantage of Internet finance. The organic combination of Internet finance and the securities industry can promote the flow of information, thereby further weakening the role of securities institutions in the traditional model. However, resource allocation and the speed of information flow have made great progress.
  4. It has exacerbated competition among the securities industry
  In the traditional securities industry, due to various constraints, the threshold of securities business is relatively high, and the competitive industry is relatively small. However, the development of Internet finance has led to an increase in its channels and a reduction in costs, which will have a major impact on the market landscape. The increase in Internet financial income will greatly reduce the business volume of the securities industry. Capital, the growth of e-commerce and off-site account opening will lead to further price wars, and the competition between the securities industry will inevitably increase.
  5. Conclusions
  The development of Internet finance plays a crucial role in the securities industry. Only by adapting to the growth period can we promote the progress of the securities industry. In order to improve the income and capability level of the securities industry, securities companies should gradually improve the industry development, relevant business level and market environment, and promote their entry into the heyday of sustained and rapid development.
【摘 要】当下历史教学的功利性,使学生成为知识的容器,悖离了中学历史教学的本源。本文从历史的生动性、真实性、思辨性、人文性等方面阐述对于中学生历史批判性思维能力这一核心素养培养的一些思考。  【关键词】中学历史;批判性思维能力;培养  【中图分类号】G633.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2015)018-0008-03  【作者简介】李广耀,江苏省沙溪高级中学(江苏太
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时至今日,信息技术新课程已经在全国大部分地区开设。率先开展高中新课改实验的广东、山东、海南、宁夏4个实验区已有一轮完整的教学实践。应该说,现在已经到了我们对信息技术课进行深入反思的最佳时期。特别是在“纲要”、“课标”修订之声不绝于耳的今天,所有深刻甚至尖锐的反思都是有价值的。  由计算机课到信息技术课,并不是简单的名称变换。与计算机课相比,信息技术课在课程目标、课程内容、课程教学、课程评价与课程资
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