近几年来,在全国文艺舞台上,活跃着一支军旅歌手队伍,红岩便是这支队伍中的一员。在2000年第九届“步步高杯”全国青年歌手大奖赛中,她参赛的曲目《西部扬帆》,以高亢、圆润、明亮甜美的歌喉和对作品艺术的深刻理解,征服了在场的评委们,一举摘取了一等奖的桂冠,也使她成为千家万户电视机前的焦点人物。 红岩出生在古城西安一个普通的工人家庭,古城西安浓厚的文化熏陶,使她从小就立志当一名歌唱家。然而,红岩的童年却充满了艰辛和伤感。她的童年时代,没有像一般孩子那样享受过母爱、父爱及家庭的欢乐。在她童年的印象中,家境十分贫寒,整天为了生存在挣扎,常常是饥一顿,饱一顿。她从小就没有穿过像样的衣服,身处在这样一种恶劣的环境中,年幼早熟的红岩知道,只有
In recent years, in the national art stage, an army of military singers active team, Hongyan is one of the team. In the Ninth “Backgammon” National Young Singers Grand Prix in 2000, her track “Sailing in the West”, conquered the judges with her high-pitched, mellow, bright and sweet voice and her profound understanding of the art of work. In one fell swoop removed the first prize laurel, but also made her the focus of thousands of households in front of the TV. Hongyan was born in the ancient city of Xi’an, an ordinary worker’s family, the ancient city of Xi’an strong culture, so she determined to be a singer from a young age. However, Hongyan’s childhood is full of hardships and sadness. In her childhood, she did not enjoy the joy of maternal love, fatherly love and family as the average child did. Impressed in her childhood, the family was very poor, all day in order to survive struggling, often hungry meal, full meal. From an early age she did not wear decent clothes, in such a harsh environment, young precocious red rock know that only