在每一位三枪烧友的心中,都有一个9寸的梦。相信每一位三枪烧友,对这句话都有着深刻的体会。拥有一部状态良好的9寸机,配合1920×1080的蓝光碟机投出大画面,在家中营造出接近商业影院的气氛与电影感,这不正是三枪烧友们孜孜以求的终极目标吗?在追求这个目标的过程中,除环境外,大家也十分清楚投影机将是起最大作用的器材。而在眼下单枪迅猛发展的背景下,三枪已面临巨大的挑战,8寸及以下的三枪,在播蓝光时综合表现相比JVC HD750等高端单枪已处于下风,还好目前9寸三枪仍然可以分庭抗礼,并且在质感表
In every heart of three shots, there is a 9-inch dream. I believe every one of three gun friends, have a profound understanding of these words. Have a good state of 9-inch machine, with the 1920 × 1080 Blu-ray disc drive throw large screen, at home to create a business atmosphere and the cinema feel close to the movie, this is not exactly what the three guns loyal fans pursued the ultimate goal? In the process of pursuing this goal, in addition to the environment, everyone is well aware that projectors will be the most important equipment. In the context of the rapid development of single gun now, the three guns have to face enormous challenges, 8-inch and below the three shots, integrated performance in the broadcast of blue compared to JVC HD750 and other high-end single gun has been at a disadvantage, but fortunately the current 9-inch Three shots can still be rivals, and in the texture table