由铁道部科技局、大秦办、工务局共同主持的 SPZ—160型双向道床配碴整形车鉴定会于1989年4月19日至22日在昆明机械厂召开。参加会议的有来自部内外27个单位近50名代表。大会特别邀请了原工务局总工程师刘怿等线路机械方面的专家参加并指导。大会还专门成立了由铁道部产品质量检验中心负责的产品性能复测小组。会前,小组对经过工业性考核试验的和即将发往现场的样机进行了产品性能和加工组装质量的复测,并将
SPZ-160 bidirectional track bed ballast plastic vehicle co-chaired by Science and Technology Bureau of the Ministry of Railways, Daqin Office and Works Bureau jointly held the appraisal meeting at Kunming Machinery Factory from April 19 to April 1989. Nearly 50 delegates from 27 units inside and outside the department attended the conference. In particular, the General Assembly invited the former Chief Engineer Liu Yong and other line machinery experts to participate and guidance. The Assembly also set up a special by the Ministry of Railways product quality inspection center responsible for product performance testing team. Before the meeting, the group retested the product performance and assembly quality of the prototype that passed the industrial assessment test and was about to go to the site.